U9 Co-Ed Festival


Host community must:
  • Have at least 1 team affiliated with Softball Saskatchewan.
  • Advertise the U9 Co-Ed Festival in their region.
  • Have access to 4 diamonds plus a green space for both Saturday and Sunday.
  • 7 - 16 teams registered - 2-day festival filled with games, skill zone, and fun zone.
  • 4 - 6 teams registered - 1-day festival filled with games, skill zone, and fun zone (would only need 2 diamonds plus green space). 
  • In the case of inclement weather the festival will be cancelled with no rescheduling. 
  • Host must provide - registered umpires for the festival (preferably younger umpires).
  • Host must provide - volunteers (5) for the skill and fun zones.
  • Host is to pay the facilities, volunteer and umpire honorariums which can be reimbursed by Softball Saskatchewan.

Deadline to bid to host a U9 Festival is April 1st.  Any late bids will not be guaranteed a U9 Festival.  the number of festivals provided depends on the number of associations bidding to host.