Softball Saskatchewan Hall of Fame
I. Purpose
The Softball Saskatchewan Hall of Fame exists to recognize and honour those individuals and teams who have participated, served, represented, and/or impacted the sport of softball. Prolonged and meritorious service and performances while a member of Softball Saskatchewan will be recognized.
II. Nominations
- Nominations may originate from any current or former member(s) in good standing with Softball Saskatchewan. Nominations must be accompanied by documents covering in as great a detail as possible, the athletic accomplishments, or the service record or both, of the person(s) and or club or team being nominated. Letters of support from local softball organizations, leagues and Associations would be beneficial.
- Written nominations are encouraged to provide as much support documentation as possible covering the athletic, builder and or officials’ accomplishments or the service record or both, of the person(s) nominated (e.g. newspaper clippings). The claimed accomplishments or service record shall be supported by documentary evidence where there is any possibility of doubt.
- Nominations must be in the hands of the Committee by September 1st for consideration that year.
- Successful nominees for the Hall of Fame will be inducted at the Annual General Meeting of Softball Saskatchewan. All nominations approved by the Awards Committee shall be forwarded for final approval to the Board of Directors of Softball Saskatchewan with a recommendation for enrollment in the Hall of Fame.
- Nominations to the Hall of Fame will remain active for a period of five (5) years. After this time the nominee will be notified to re-submit a new updated nomination.
- Successful nominees and information on the Hall of Fame will be included on a new Hall of Fame page on our Softball Saskatchewan Web Site.
III. General Eligibility
To be eligible for nomination, the nominee must adhere to the following:
- Have been a resident of Saskatchewan during the majority of time for which outstanding performance/service is claimed.
- Except for exceptional circumstances, be retired from Softball Saskatchewan participation in their nominated category for at least five (5) years before being eligible for selection to the Softball Saskatchewan Hall of Fame.
IV. Specific Eligibility Criteria
The Softball Saskatchewan Hall of Fame will have the following categories and eligibility for induction:
- Have made a significant contribution to the winning of a Medal in a minimum of five (5) Provincial Championships; or
- Have made a significant contribution to the winning of a Medal in a minimum of four (4) Western Canadian or two (2) Canadian Championships; or
- Have compiled an outstanding record at Provincial, Western Canadian, Canadian or International competitions for a period of at least ten (10) years.
- Have coached with distinction at least six (6) teams at Provincial Championships (can be the same team or different teams); or
- Have coached with distinction at least four (4) teams at Western Canadian Championships or two (2) teams at Canadian Championships; or
- Have made notable contributions to the development of coaching in Saskatchewan or Canada.
- A club team that has won at least five (5) Provincial Championships within an eight (8) year period; or
- A club team that has represented Saskatchewan and won a medal in at least four (4) Western Canadian Championships within a nine (9) year period; or
- A club team that has represented Saskatchewan and won a medal in at least three (3) Canadian Championships within a nine (9) year period; or
- A Provincial team that has won a Gold Medal at a Canada Games.
- For a team to be eligible for induction the majority of players must be over the age of 35 at the time of the nomination.
- Have been a registered Softball Saskatchewan umpire for a minimum of fifteen (15) years.
- Have umpired with distinction in at least five (5) Western Canadian Championships; or
- Have umpired with distinction in at least three (3) Canadian Championships; or
- Have made notable contributions to the development of umpires in Saskatchewan or Canada.
- Have served with distinction as a member of Softball Saskatchewan for a minimum of fifteen (15) years; and
- Have made significant contributions to the sport of softball in Saskatchewan or Canada in an exemplary manner.
V. Recognition
Each successful nominee will receive:
- One (1) acrylic trophy or plaque;
- A Hall of Fame pin for each recipient in attendance (additional pins may be purchased by those inductee’s not in attendance at the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony)
Each year Softball Saskatchewan shall have a limit of five (5) selections to the Hall of Fame.